Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Two days

So I went to dinner and caught up with a friend last night so I didn't have time for a post, but here it goes. Monday went a lot better for me, but not so much for my boyfriend. I was feeling good when I woke up and made a pretty good breakfast. Because it was labor day, I decided to spend the day cooking so we has stuff for the week to eat that would be quick and easy. My boyfriend doesn't cook, so that was another reason I wanted stuff to be pre-made so he doesn't starve. Like I said before, I'm a nanny so I don't have much time to cook for myself during the since I have three small mouths to feed.

I can already notice some things changing with my body that I'll talk about in my next post.

On Monday these were the meals we ate:

Pan fried mochi (recipe from The Kind Diet) w/ azuke beans
Miso soup w/ wakame, tofu, and daikon
Steamed broccoli

I didn't eat lunch cause I was so full after breakfast and I got busy cooking.

Tortilla chips and salsa

Nori "burritos" (recipe from The Kind Diet

Overall, yesterday was a pretty good day and way more successful than the first day. This is very much a learning experience and I'm taking it day by day. Thanks for reading! Until next time...later tonight.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Marlin Dr,Vista,United States

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Beginning

Hello world of bloggers! This is my very first blog post ever. I started this blog more for myself as I embark on this new journey. I don't really care of anyone reads this, but if you do then great and hello to you!

A few weeks ago I decided to change my diet to a plant-based or vegan diet. The idea came to me one day when I was checking my Facebook and The Ellen Degeneres Show posted a link to a section on their website all about being Vegan. I snooped around on there for awhile and then I remembered seeing Alicia Silverstone on a daytime talk show (I'm a nanny, so yes I have time to watch daytime talk shows) promoting her book The Kind Diet. I went to Barnes and Noble the very next day and picked it up. I was immediately inspired and convinced that this is the change I need in my life.

I have struggled with my weight since high school. I feel like I have tried everything there was to lose weight; diets, pills, extreme exercising, not eating, and even weight watches which was a HUGE rip-off! I had the most success when I stopped eating fast food, started eating "healthier", and was going to the gym about 3-4 times a week. Well that didn't last very long and I was on to looking for my next weight loss adventure. After reading Alicia's book I decided that this is what I was going to do. It's not a diet. It's completely changing how you look at food.

After finishing the book I asked my boyfriend how he felt about never eating meat or dairy again. This is a guy whole can eat a whole pizza and not gain a pound, a guy who LOVES steak and LOVES (even more) milkshakes. He just looked at my like I was crazy. So, I did my girlfriend-ly duty and talked and talked aaaaand talked about this book until he was convinced (or annoyed) and decided to do it with me. Isn't he so supportive? After that, I made my list and off to the store we went. Before we went to the store though, I will admit that I was feeling VERY overwhelmed. A lot of these foods and ingredients were new to me and it was a little intimidating. I took a deep breath and managed to get a good amount of groceries. I did have to go to a few different stores, but it was no big deal.

We actually had a little bit of fun at the grocery store (Frazier Farms) looking at all these new items we have never seen before. This is very much of a learning experience for both of us. We are still learning what we like and don't like. We're also living at home with my parents right now so, it makes it a little difficult to cook and build up our supplies.

This is how are meals went yesterday:

Apple Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal (Very good!)

Pita Sandwich w/ bitchin' sauce (vista farmers market), lettuce, cucumber, tomato, and yellow peppers

Half of a PB&J

Bocca Burger (Vegan)- I thought these were absolutely DISGUSTING! I took one bite and threw it away.
Cup of instant tortilla soup- This was disgusting too! My boyfriend ate it with his bocca burger.
Tofu w/ Ponzu

As you can see, it started out a pretty good day then when dinner came around it was a disaster. I was being lazy and didn't want to cook and I guess that's what I get! Lesson learned: No more instant foods! Today has been a better day so far and I will post later on about our meals and how it went.

Thanks for reading and sharing this journey with us :)